Being in a chaste relationship, either with a Mistress or even with your partner can be a very, very erotic experience. Giving up total control and never knowing when or even if you will be released heightens every level of arousal. Depriving yourself of sexual release or pleasure for an extended period of time leads to the most mind blowing and earth shattering orgasms you have ever had when your Mistress lets you out, that is.

Not to mention how incredibly submissive you will become. The first few days of chastity is fun and exciting. Around day 3 you will get to be antsy. The next 2 weeks are tough. You will be seriously reconsidering the entire notion. Then things get a little better, you think you can do it, hell you KNOW you can… for about a week. After that you will be clawing at the cage and having naughty thoughts about cantaloupes in the grocery store. Once you have transcended through all those stages of chastity, you will be most tractable. All I will have to do is jingle your key… and you will be snapping to attention and doing my bidding for even the slight possibility I will unlock you.

Or perhaps I should say if I unlock you. I am quite the fan of long term chastity stints. I currently have pets that have been locked up since last New Year’s. I have absolutely no desire to let them out anytime soon either. That is my biggest “why” for chastity. It is an endurance competition and way for my pets to truly prove their devotion to me.